Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Anticipation of the NECC

May 30, 2007
I am already like a kid in an "e-mail" candy store regarding the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) to be held at the World Congress Center in Atlanta toward the end of June. I have been sent so many eye-catching e-mails, which have all been wonderful. I keep asking myself: What will I choose to do? What booth will I go to first?

I have been contemplating about the areas that I feel are the most important in education when picking a prospective booth. I will say that I am the type that likes the "wow" factor when it comes to gadgets. On the other hand, I have to think about delivering this information to educators who likely are looking for practicality. Nevertheless, I am excited about what is in store for me next month!

Finally, what does the NECC mean to me right now in this moment?
Techie Teacher