Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Anticipation of the NECC

May 30, 2007
I am already like a kid in an "e-mail" candy store regarding the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC) to be held at the World Congress Center in Atlanta toward the end of June. I have been sent so many eye-catching e-mails, which have all been wonderful. I keep asking myself: What will I choose to do? What booth will I go to first?

I have been contemplating about the areas that I feel are the most important in education when picking a prospective booth. I will say that I am the type that likes the "wow" factor when it comes to gadgets. On the other hand, I have to think about delivering this information to educators who likely are looking for practicality. Nevertheless, I am excited about what is in store for me next month!

Finally, what does the NECC mean to me right now in this moment?
Techie Teacher


BrainPOPPER said...

Techie Teacher -- Greetings from BrainPOP! We're thrilled that you're such a big fan. We're going to be at NECC and would love to chat with you more at our booth there. Can you email me at Thanks!

BrainPOPPER said...

Techie Teacher --

I'm trying to get in touch with you and am having trouble posting to your blog. Greetings from BrainPOP! We'll be at NECC and would love to meet you at our booth. Can you email me at