Thursday, June 14, 2007

BlogRovr, BlogRovr, Bring me a Blog!


As I am awaiting the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 2007), I have been looking for ways to simplify my web life. Thus, I have signed up officially for BlogRovr. During the NECC, I plan to read a lot of blogs and BlogRovr came about at a good time.

What is BlogRovr? This wonderful website promises to have your favorite blogs delivered to you in a snap. It even generates a list of suggested blogs that you can view without having to type them in. There are windows and screens that act as a guide for choosing a particular blog once you sign in.

What is amazing about BlogRovr is that the sign up is so simple. How many places in cyberspace only require an e-mail and a password to become a member of their website? Upon registering, I decided to check out some of the suggested blogs in BlogRovr. Most of them were quite interesting. In addition, I was glad that there was a prompt for my favorite blogs. The fact that there is also cross referencing between blogs and blog topics, was also a great idea of this web entity. There are others who share the similar upbeat opinions about BlogRovr.

The only pitfall that I am sure will be improved is that BlogRovr should consider having an educational blog "suggested" list for teachers or educational researchers like Edublog. I am sure that as more educational blogs develop, we will see some addition in that area. Everyone who blogs on a regular basis should try BlogRovr. Your blogging experience will never be the same.

Techie Teacher
Image courtesy of BlogRovr.
All rights reserved.


Unknown said...

Hi TT. Thanks for the wonderful warm words, and welcome to BlogRovR.

I see your point about education. So, you tell us what blogs we should bundle, and we will do it!

Email me at marc at We don't promise to keep the list the same over time, but we'll start with yours.


Techie Teacher said...

I have a few favorite educational blogs, but will submit a top 10 list to you by the end of the day. Thanks for taking the time to read my Blog.