Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Educational Blogs--My Top 10 List

Everyone has a top 10 list of something. Ever since the famous talk show host, David Letterman, created the reverse version of a top 10 list with varied topics, I have loved the concept. Therefore, I have decisively created my top 10 list of educational blogs. Keeping in mind that I have experiences with technology and teaching, I have focused on some blogs that discuss technology in education. This list is by no means exhaustive and has a lot to do with my personal interests, which I feel all educators can relate too in some way.

The only difference with my top 10 is that they are not necessarily in an particular order. I may choose to change what I read over time, so exclusion does not mean complete obscurity forever. Again, this is strictly an educational blog list.

1. The Savvy Technologist
This Blog by Tim Wilson gives practical advice on how to use technology in education.

Teach42 Education and Technology
This Blog goes everywhere from to the world of digital storytelling to increase interest in technology and education.

3. Teachers Teaching Teachers
This Blog works with the concept of teachers helping each other professionally through webcasts done mainly by K-13 teachers.

4. Kathy Schrock's Kaffeeklatsch
Kathy Shrock has already done so much for education with innovative ideas, lesson plans, and learning guides, which makes her blog only more interesting to read.

5. Reflections of a Techie
I get the impression that this is an everyday classroom with each post. The teacher sends us somewhere spectacular in each blog submission.

6. The Tech Savvy Educator
The blog at hand takes you great advice from a 3rd grade teacher who uses technology regularly.

7. PBS Teachers Blog
Andy Calvin, an internet activist, leads the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) blog for educators and students with the primary topic being the impact of the internet on learning.

8. 2 Cents Worth
An innovator in the world of research and blogging, David Warlick, is a master at helping others through his blogs and online creations.

9. Always Learning
A global perspective of using teaching and technology abroad is discussed on this intriguing blog.

10. 6/7C Blog & Podcast
This is a classroom blog in action. Adults and children can learn lessons about various topics on this blog. This was intriguing because I have taught both of these grade levels (6th and 7th).

Techie Teacher
All of the opinions expressed on the blogs do not reflect mine.
All rights reserved 2007.


Kathy Schrock said...

Thanks for including my blog in your list!

Kathy Schrock

Techie Teacher said...

You are welcome! It was an honor.

Teach42 said...

Do you mind if I forward this to my Mom? She'd love to see that I made a top 10 list!
Thanks for including me :)

Techie Teacher said...

Sure Steve.Forward away!

Kim Cofino said...

Thanks for including me!