Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Terrific Tuesday at NECC 2007

Terrific Tuesday for me was a self-proclaimed picture day at NECC 2007. Leaving the laptop and replacing it with a digital camera meant less weight and the ability to create videos and still images to help me remember the highlights. I began in the Exhibit hall.

One of the first spots that peaked my interest was the Fastt Math Exhibit. The lesson and description of the product made a wonderful stop. Fastt Math is a Tom Snyder Productions (TM) software and the explanation by the presenter was quite interesting.

The next stop was a trip to the Adobe Exhibit for an awesome presentation of Photo Shop. Educators were treated to a quick lesson on how to manipulate the background of portions of a picture while leaving the rest of the image alone. The sample image included a man on the screen and a change of the background behind him. It was an awesome way to sell the best of Adobe. It was one of the best presentations in the Exhibit Hall.
One of the greatest exhibits was Quizdom. The presenters did an excellent job of highlighting the exciting aspects of the program, including the race car format of showing student progress. Quizdom uses great imagery to get the point of a lesson across. I was impressed with the quality of the program and its ability to help students.

Finally, some of the sessions were awesome today. One of the classes that stood out was the session entitled Technology and Mathematics: The Right Angle. Frank Sobierajski was a true mathematician and has a flair for wonderful ideas. Terrific Tuesday at the NECC could not have been better.

Techie Teacher
All images are owned by the Techie Teacher (CTS).

All rights reserved.

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