Monday, June 25, 2007

NECC 2007 Delivers: Tie Network and Brain Pop Lead

June 25, 2007
The Technology in Education (TIE) Network and the Brain Pop exhibit booth were two of the biggest highlights so far at the NECC 2007 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Monday was a big day for most of the speakers because all of the educational sessions were in full swing. The TIE Network actually was a refreshing end to my day. We were treated to music and candy. Katherine Aiken was awesome. She had personality and was very mobile. As a matter of fact, she was one of the few speakers that moved around the room several times. By the time it was over, we had spoken in Ipods, were videotaped, and had a wonderful T-shirt as a momento. The TIE network is the way to go if you are broadening your technological viewpoint as an educator and it is easy to join. Check out the website.

In addition, the Brain Pop booth was on task. There were several computer monitors set up for public viewing. The Brain Pop personnel actually went out of their way to speak and demonstrated the latest on the website. It was refreshing to see them in action. I am already pleased that my place of employment has bought into Brain Pop and cannot wait for the new videos.

Finally, there were some other interesting sessions at the conference including the first meeting on Blogging presented by Will Richardson. Richardson made many references to existing blogs, which helped the audience get more familiar with the power of this medium. Overall, the NECC opening weekday sessions were a smashing success. However, I am still learning how to work in lunch with so much to do. Furthemore, the NECC should be complimented on the free WiFi.

Techie Teacher
Brain Pop and GPB images are courtesy of those websites.
All rights reserved.

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